June 2023 – sent to all volunteers
Thank you for all you have given to Girlguiding Fife over the last guiding year. We know from the number of awards going out to the girls that you have all been very busy showing the girls that they can do anything! Leaders also received awards at the Thanks & Recognition event in June, celebrating both their achievements and contributions to Girlguiding. We could not do it without you – our amazing volunteers.
It is also great to see lots of units having sleepovers and camps again and we hope the weather is kind to those who are camping over the summer holidays.
Before you all take a well-earned break, we wanted to share some key information from the last Executive:
from Janice, Alison and Kirsty
First Response – watch out for the email about the trainings coming up in the next 12 months. Bookings for August 2023 course will open on 30th June, with further courses in November 2023, and March and May 2024. Contact: guidingdelivery.ggfife@gmail.com) Up to date links for trainings and how to book via this link – First Response training – Booking now open | Girlguiding Fife
4 County Development Day (9th or 10th September) – email has been sent out with more details about this training day being organised for Dundee, Fife, Forth Valley and Tay & Ochils. A great opportunity for new leaders to get training for the LDP. There are 25 spaces for Fife on each day. Up to date info on this page Four Counties Development Day. 9th and 10th September | Girlguiding Fife or Contact: guidingdelivery.ggfife@gmail.com)
Carmichael Centre Clean-up – a date for your diary – Saturday 30th September 2023 at 10.00am. Enjoy a day with Guiding friends and help keep our residential centre looking lovely. Stay for the day or a couple of hours – whatever time you can spare.(Contact: Helen Barrett helenbarrett@tiscali.co.uk)
Annual Review 2023 – a date for your diary – Sunday 19th November 2023 in The Inn a Charlestown. Flyer and menu choices attached. (Contact: South West Division swannualreview23@gmail.com)
Section Awards – From 1st July 2023, Girlguiding Fife will continue to buy the Gold Awards (certificates and badges) to celebrate the girls’ achievements. Leaders should complete the attached form and send it to the County Commissioner (ggfifecc@gmail.com) and their Division Commissioner. Units can buy Bronze and Silver Section Awards for their girls (certificates and badges) from the Girlguiding shops.
Deadline for Accounts – please hand your completed accounts for 2022-23 to your District/Division Commissioner by the end of August 2023 so they can submit them to the County. Your commissioners can help if you need it. If you are OSCR registered don’t forget to send your accounts and annual return by the end of 2023.
New Accounts Package – Girlguiding Scotland have produced a new accounts package which should be used for 2023-2024 accounts. The template and an example are attached. More info can be found on the website https://www.girlguidingscotland.org.uk/for-volunteers/how-to-run-your-unit/finances/ There will be a County Chat arranged near the start of the term and there are sessions being run at the 4 County Development day. *Please note currently Scottish have removed their package whilst they are sorting out some errors within it. Keep an eye on the link – they will republish as soon as it is fixed.*
Census 2024 – not confirmed but will be no less than £51.00 per member. Please look at your unit finances and plan how you can ensure you have enough funds to pay this on time in Feb 2024. Remember, there is the Resilience Fund and other sources of funding that come up. Check out the Girlguiding Fife website for updated information. https://girlguidingfife.org.uk/funding-sources-links-to-sources-for-units-and-beyond/