UPDATE INFO – Deadline for the Name the Park – been extended to 31st October 2024
STEM CHALLENGE – Reminder to apply for the county STEM challenge – deadline – 4th October 2024 to register
Has been emailed out again via guiding delivery.
It was sent from ggfifecountychallenge@gmail.com and may have gone into your spam.
There is still time to apply.
This year the Fife County STEM team have been working hard to create a STEM challenge for everyone in Girlguiding Fife to participate in. We would like your help to build a theme park.
This challenge is open for all from Rainbows to the Trefoil Guild. You will be supplied with a free kit and can add 5 things from your own cupboard to create something from the below categories.
- The timetable and deadlines must be strictly adhered to
- The use of GLITTER IS BANNED, but sparkly card is permitted
- The size of entries must be no more than 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm
- Each entry must accommodate the LEGO figure
- The theme park item must be built entirely by those in each group during unit meeting time (this was emphasised)
- A drawn design (or a coloured picture of either a roundabout or a slide by Rainbows) must accompany the item.
- Every unit represented at the Showcase can bring their whole unit with them and vote for their favourite item in each section
Items for Building
Rainbows – a roundabout or a slide
Brownies – a swing or a helter skelter
Guides – a roller coaster or a merry-go-round
Rangers – a big wheel or a ghost train
Adults – anything that is not on the above list!
- The judging would take place in three stages – Unit, Division and County
- Units would be responsible for their own judging – one item to be forwarded to Division and a photograph of EVERY item created to be sent to the dedicated email address.
- Divisions would work in pairs (West & South West, Central & South, North & East) with the judges being 6 Trefoil members + Division Commissioner (not from their own area).
- At County level, the judges would include the County President, a Trefoil member, an architect, someone from Babcock plus the girls in attendance, who will vote for their favourite item in each section. Winning designs will be put together in a Showcase which will be displayed on the 11th of May.
- A winner will be selected from each section with the award of trophies being made at the Thanks and Recognition event in May/June 2025.
The judges will be looking for-
- stability
- functionality
- colourful design
- imagination
Plans/ designs (or a coloured in picture from Rainbows) should be created within unit time and submitted along with the physical build by the 28th of March for judging. We also want to know what you would name your theme park. To register your interest please see attached flyer.
We look forward to seeing your creations.
Please use the email address for all communications related to the STEM challenge. ggfifecountychallenge@gmail.com
Fife County STEM team